After an enchanting evening with Jilly and Sally, I was compelled to share every bit of magic I experienced that night. At least all that I can recall.
It began with an invitation from Jilly and Sally to have tea in their garden under the new moon. I had always been curious about their garden. Were the rumors true? Why did they keep their garden gate locked? Seriously, how many people actually use a key to enter their garden?

When I arrived Jilly was laughing hysterically, while Sally dashed around scooping up apples and dropping them in a box she carried under her left arm. Sally could barely keep up with the fruit that was flying from the family apple tree. "You're going to break something!", Sally yelled at the tree, as she caught an apple just before it fell on her partially set table. Jilly, still laughing, reminded Sally what a silly idea it was to have tea that close to the temperamental tree anyhow.
When I began to laugh myself at the comical scene, Sally turned and welcomed me to the garden. Then quickly asked Jilly to take me inside so she could finish setting the table and attempt to manage the pesky tree.


After showing off their beautiful Autumn hats, Sally asked me if I'd like a tour of the garden. I said, "Sure." Jilly said she'd catch up in a bit.
I followed Sally along the garden path as she told me about each and every flower we passed. The moon was already lighting up all the white flowers in the garden. The Moon Vine was especially impressive with saucer-size blossoms glowing under the moonlight. I told Sally her family's garden was absolutely breathtaking. Sally looked back and said, "Wait until the moon is overhead." Then she winked.
Jilly caught up to us just in time to tell us we better hurry back because the show would begin soon. Sally and I walked back to the table beside the apple tree and sat down. The tree dropped two apples into the empty dish in front of me and Sally let out a growl. Don't eat those!, she said. Plucked them from my plate and tossed them in the box on the ground beside her. Jilly came out with the tea. "The moon will be overhead soon.", she said.
Sally served up her delicious lavender tea cookies with lilac jelly, while Jilly poured tea.
I'm pretty sure Jilly put something in my tea. I felt a little woozy, my vison began to blur and all I can recall about that moment are Jilly's faint giggles.
I'm not sure what happened next, but I think I remember watching a couple of fairies dance in front of the full moon. It was like a dream. There were fireflies flickering about them as they danced. After the fireflies dispersed they flittered to a dark corner of the garden. Their light reflected off something of the flowers. At least that's what I thought they were at first.

Fairies dancing before the full moon.
As I approached the corner of the garden, I could not believe my eyes. There were fairy chrysalises everywhere. Hanging from branches on plants and trees.
I woke up in the garden, but Jilly and Sally were no where in sight. I peeked into the window and saw Sally asleep by her broom, still in her hat. I didn't want to wake them so I tiptoed to the chaise in the parlor and grabbed a pillow and a throw and snuck back out into the garden to sleep in their hammock. What a magical night.
"There's a little witch in every bitch."
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i can't believe "jilly and sally" stood still long enough for you to snap their pics! they are soooo adorable!
what a magical story and GREAT garden spirits! i am SOOOOOO glad to see you at it again!
bright blessings
That was really cute! Oh how I wish I could have pets at my house!
Really, that sums it up so much better than anything else I can say... Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!
This all just really made me grin after all my aw'ing. Thank you!
Faith, trust, and faerie dust!
Oh so cute! I'm glad you accepted Jilly and Sally's invitation to take tea in the garden. Their hats are just perfect and those fairy chrysalises are awesome! :D
Absolutely adorable! What an enchanting party post! I hope Jilly & Sally will tag along with you when you stop by, they're more than welcome!
Love your chrysalis things! Did you make them? Magical Post! If you care come and join us for ours! More Practical Magic at Practical Magic - How To Make A Magic Wand
omg....they are sooo cute!!!
Its amazing what you can do with a magical teat..LOL Love the post..smiles
Hey now... don't be talking about my teats. LMAO. Thanks for stopping by Sonia :)
omg... those pups are adorable!
Yay! You're blogging again! I've missed you posts, girl! Love the moon photo, & where can I find those great little fairy chrysalises? I checked your artfire but didn't see them there.
Thanks so much for inviting me to your blog party! I had a lot of fun and your photos were wonderful! I especially love your parting words!
Thanks Di :) Sorry, I have never put anything in that shop. I leave the button there so people can shop at Artfire anyway. I guess I should figure out what I can part with and post some pix huh?!
Total cuteness! You did a wonderful job with your Practical Magic Party Post! :)
Please feel free to fly over and visit with me:
Sincerely, Theresa
Oh I love your Minpins. Aren't they just hams..
Be sure to stop by for my giveaway
Brightest Blessings!
love the puppywitches!
and they have such smug looks on their little faces!
oh and the chrysalis are gorgeous!!!
Fun, fun pics and post!!
Oh! Yes, I did create it. It's my actual besom that I took a photo of. :) Thank you for noticing. hehe I feel like Eyeore saying that.
Hi, I had a magical time at your Practial Magic Party. Oh, so much fun. Very original. Please visit me:
I'll be back at it again tomorrow, sisters ;)
What a cute entry, in Practical Magic Blog Party event.
Gentle hugs,
'Auntie,' being "Aunt Bridget" for the weekend
You're SO funny, Auntie.
Thanks for stopping by.
awww I would so have tea with Jilly and Sally! I have a fairy loving friend to bring too!!!
come on over and sit a spell
Oh my gosh -- frankly, that was the best Practical Magic party post I have read so far! Thanks for making me smile. :)
-- Birgit
How cute and patient they are! My cat barely tolerated a hat for a moment hehe.
Hahahaa! I love this post--the little dogs in witch hats cracked me up! How wonderfully patient they are to be costumed up like that! Wonderful post~very creative :)
If you haven't visited me already you can find my post here!
Wonderful party post. Love your pics! Brightest Blessings!
This cracked me up and I thought of the comment Madonna made on last week's "Marriage Ref"....most of us dress up our pets , thats all part of the fun in having a furry creature as our friend so we can play dress up and what better costume then a witches dress; Sally and Jilly are so adorable and even more so with their beautiful tulle hats in their refined magical power poses....LUV them!!! Oh and those Chrysalis are a perfect touch to ending a magical night.Thanks for your hospitality.
~^..^~ * Annabelle
Thanks, Annabelle! :D
Well your post was certainly had a very creative twist to the story. It cracked me up. I can not even begin to imagine my cat putting up with being dressed up.
But then again he is a gentleman kitty.
Thank you so much for sharing with us.
Brightest Blessings,
Hello and what a great Practical Magic story. Your puppies and precious or are they full sized dogs? How in the world did you get them to sit still with those hats on, which are adorable by the way.
I really enjoyed the blog. I'm trying to get to everyone's and they have all been great and very different. Merry Meet and I think I"m going to follow. You have a way with story tellling. Blessed Be~
lovely party post... The pups are SO cute.... love them er hem i mean Jilly and Sally. I'm still checking out the party blogs
lovely party post... The pups are SO cute.... love them er hem i mean Jilly and Sally. I'm still checking out the party blogs
lovely party post... The pups are SO cute.... love them er hem i mean Jilly and Sally. I'm still checking out the party blogs
How adorable! the dogs, the fairies and your tale!
a LOVELY and MAGICAL post!
please visit mine:
I have a little iggy too! Precious post!
That was so cute! Im glad that Jilly and Sally played along. They have very beautiful hats :) Thanks for visiting my party the other day. May all your magical dreams come true
just wanted to come by again and visit...your doggies are so so gorgeous!!!
What wonderful pictures and a great tale - or should I say tail! LOL! Adorable.. You should frame the pet pics and make cards of them. Precious! Jeannine
Thanks, Jeannine! <3
I just re-visited your blogs. The second time around Jilly and Sally are even cuter. :)
Any chance for coming back to Blogland? Would be lovely! :)
Sunny greetings from Germany,
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